Congresswoman DelBene Asks Our Opinion on Immigration Reform

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In late February, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene invited us to share with her our opinions on immigration reform. We shared with her the pain of our personal experiences with immigration and our ideas on what changes would most help us and our families. She seemed very receptive and we are hopeful that our words made a difference!

One response to this post.

  1. After listening to the testimonies of these students at Peninsula College in Port Angeles, I realized that these students represent the voices of many migrant youth who we may never know. They are witnesses for social justice and change. They are the “dreamer generation” who will make a difference in the 21st century, because their voices represent the disenfranchised and marginalized minority youth who simply want to work towards a better future for all of us.

    They will look back at this time when their courageous testimonies made a difference in comprehensive immigration reform, and will tell their children of the struggles they overcame by speaking truth to the power. The truth is in their book, and the power is in their words. The power of their words will inevitably change discriminatory attitudes, racism, and immigration policies.

    Eventually, their dreams will come true because they dared to speak truth to those who had the power to write legislation that impacted their lives. They represent the best of our democratic ideals and traditions. Their testimonies are compelling evidence that our immigration policies need comprehensive reform.

    Salutos los sonadores,
    David Cowan


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